Sharing Our Passion for SERVICE, SOLUTIONS and EDUCATION to Benefit Your Family and Ours

In a complex world of Professional and Executive Liability Insurance, lack of knowledge or comprehension of a product can turn reluctance into missed opportunities. The success of an agent depends on the ability to work with a team that focuses on your success. Pro Lines Plus was designed to meet your market challenges and is your dedicated resource for Professional Liability. Pro Lines Plus recognizes each agent has a different level of understanding of product knowledge. Pro Lines Plus is here to meet you where you are and focus collaboration on profitably growing your Professional and Executive Liability business. We are sharing our passion for service, solutions, and education by working to:
Educate and connect the values of the products to the needs of the insured
Confidently define the exposures and evaluate proposed solutions
Act as a trusted adviser and facilitate a solution based conversation
Understand unspoken and spoken needs of the insured (to fill in those coverage gaps)
Provide the expertise to determine the right market and coverage
Support and extend your market penetration and expertise
Pro Lines Plus provides a unique set of tools, resources, and options to help you drive results. With Pro Lines Plus you are good today, better tomorrow but we are always great together!
Why +PLUS?
Classes of Business
Accounting/bookkeepers/tax preparers
Agricultural Consultants/Farm Managers
Architects/Engineers – Design Firms
Educators Liability
Environmental Consultants/Pollution Exposure
Financial services
Home/Condo Associations
Home Inspectors/Safety Inspectors
Investigators/Fraud/ Background Screeners
Insurance Agents/Brokers E&O
Labor Unions D&O
Law Enforcement Officers
Management/Business Consulting
Non-Profit Organizations
Project Managers
Property Managers
Public Officials/Entities
Real Estate Agents/Broker E&O
Social Service Agencies
Social Media - Internet/ Website
Technology Consultants/ Software developers
Transportation/Freight Brokers
Travel Agents
Water testing/soil testing
and many more!
Employment Practice Liability
TARGET AUDIENCE: All private corporations and non-profit organizations!
The harsh reality is that businesses & non-profits are sued by their employees and volunteers every day. It does not happen only to large businesses:
An employer is nearly three times more likely to be sued by an employee than experience a fire.
Most lawsuits settle out of court, but when they go to trial employees win 70% of the time.
Average EPL claim is $70K for defense and compensation, which is 26% higher than 3 years ago.
Your customers, clients, and job applicants can sue you too for sexual harassment or discrimination - so 3rd party coverage is very important to have on this policy.
Small companies account for roughly 40% of all employee lawsuits & administrative charges.
Privacy & Security Liability or Cyber Liability
TARGET AUDIENCE: Every organization that collects, stores, or processes personal information needs this coverage!
If you store your data with a data center/Cloud or with a 3rd party service provider
If you store human resource information for employees, applicants, and clients
If your employees can access emails on their laptop or cell phones
If you accept credit cards such as merchants, restaurants, bars, gas stations, grocery stores
If you are a medically related organization that has patient information – all types
If you are a tax preparer, CPA, bookkeeper, lawyer, hotels/motels, property managers
Schools, universities, municipalities, insurance agents, financial institutions
Non-Profit Directors & Officers Liability
TARGET AUDIENCE: Non-profit organizations - D&O insurance typically protects individual board members as well as employees, volunteers and the organization itself in the instance of a civil suit, and can also include Employment Practice Liability.
Insurance protection against an alleged breach of “duty” by the directors and officers such as:
Unfair employment practices
Mismanagement of the organization’s assets
Inefficient administration
Violations of bylaws
Conflicts of interest
Improper self-dealing
False or misleading reports
Continual absence from meetings
Failure to file annual report
Failure to detect embezzlement of funds
Miscellaneous E&O Coverage
TARGET AUDIENCE – Any person or business who is a non-licensed professional would fall within a Miscellaneous E&O category. Hundreds of industries from advertising service providers to wedding planners all have an E&O exposure. As their agent, are you addressing all their exposures?
A Commercial General Liability policy will not cover E&O claims unless it is specifically endorsed. Clients could allege that they suffered a financial loss due to an error you or one of your employees makes on the job such as:
Negligent performance of contracted services
Improper documentation
Improper fact verification
Missed deadlines/underperformance/missed projections
Higher than anticipated costs
Bad referrals or recommending employees or contractors
Misrepresentation of facts
Breach of nondisclosure
Loss of data, improper procedures or negligent handling of data
Infringement or violating of client’s trade secrets
Deliberate dissemination of false information
Violations of state and federal law, such as violation of
Frivolous suits & cross-suits for arising from the collection of fees
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