Sharing Our Passion for SERVICE, SOLUTIONS and EDUCATION to Benefit Your Family and Ours

Chris-Leef believes in providing continued education for our staff and partnering agents. We became an onsite testing center in 2015 to encourage our staff to strive for individual designations and to expand their knowledge in each area of insurance. All new staff members are required to take AINS 21 and test within the first 6 months of employment, all other classes are optional and offered 3-4 times a year for employees.
Courses taken in-house:
AU designation series – Commercial Underwriting Principles/Underwriting Commercial Property & Liability
ASLI designation series – Surplus Lines Insurance Operation & Products
AINS designation series – Property & Liability Insurance Principles/Personal Insurance/Commercial Insurance – taught annually
AIM designation series – Contemporary Management
AIS designation series – Delivering Insurance Services
Smart Dollar - by Dave Ramsey
Additional CE Classes Offered to our Staff and Agents:
Street Level Ethics
Environmental Pollution
Cyber Liability
Garage Liability