Sharing Our Passion for SERVICE, SOLUTIONS and EDUCATION to Benefit Your Family and Ours
We are partnering with Powerhouse Learning to bring you a short audio series to answer some of the questions we are being asked by our agents in these changing times.
Click on the links below to listen in!
Episode 1: Chris Peterson
Our President Chris Peterson talks to Brandie from Powerhouse Learning about how the Shelter in Place order most of us are facing will effect our industry as a whole and companies individually.
Episode 2: Kimberly Sparks
Brandie from Powerhouse Learning sits down with our Professional Lines manager, Kim Sparks to talk about how to keep your insured safe while they work from home with Cyber Liability Coverage.
Episode 3: Lyn Felber
In the third installment of our series with Brandie from Powerhouse Learning, we hear from Commercial Lines Manager Lyn Felber about some of the trends she is seeing and about HNAO, and how to add premium to your existing book of business by offering this new product.
Episode 4: Allison Hackler
This week we are listening in as Allison Hackler talks to Brandie from Powerhouse Learning about how to build up your garage book of business. Enjoy!
Episode 5: Debbie Chieffo
In Episode 5 of our weekly series with Brandie from Powerhouse Learning, we are talking to Debbie Chieffo out of our Colorado Office about the current trends we are seeing in the Granite State.
Episode 6: Davie Holt from IPFS
Episode six features our friend Davie Holt from IPFS talking about how they are handling financing in a Covid affected world and how agents can best support themselves and their customers.
For our seventh episode, Kevin Conway sits down with Chris-Leef's own Morgan Tunks. Morgan is our resident Cannabis expert and in this episode she talks in depth about this emerging market.